Last week has been really interesting and productive in terms of reflective practice and starting to think about how I want the second year in my role as a subject librarian to go. I have said several times this week that I want to ‘do the same as last year but less terrified”. This is […]

One of the things about being a librarian or generally working in a sector where you are teaching/supporting people is that you never seem to be done with the feelings that there is tonnes and tonnes of knowledge that you are missing out/need to be better at your job/need to GET a job.  This may […]

I abandoned this blog last February, leaving the draft of a very bitter post about my then experience of trying to find a job after finishing my librarianship MA. I was working an evening job that did not bring in enough money to pay the bills so I was dependent on my partner’s and my […]

I have been really fascinated to read about the digitisation of the Boston Manuscript containing the Laws of Hywel Dda, (see end of post for links.) Firstly I think that  this acquisition demonstrates the vital role played by institutions such as the National Library of Wales in acquiring, preserving and displaying artefacts of cultural significance. […]

With a hat-tip to Jem for drawing my attention to the original article. Kathryn Hughes, in yesterday’s Guardian, writes a curiously retrograde and unthinking piece on the role of widows as literary curators and activist. Firstly her argument is a spin on the old adage that “behind every great man, is a great woman” or as […]

Hello world.  In starting this blog, I am hoping to give myself a space to discuss current issues in the library world and to share my thoughts on my career. I am also likely to discuss related issues that interest me. So literature, all things medieval and the digital humanities. Please come on in and […]